John Grimm

Co-founder and CTO

John has a history as an innovative inventor. He is the author of over 50 issued patents including medical patents in IV pumps, along with innovations in cardiovascular and neurological medicine. Four of these patents have each generated over $100 million in revenues for Fortune 200 companies. His patents also cover pharmaceutical delivery systems and innovations in construction hardware. In developing PHILTER’s technology platforms, he created an artificial lung to study exhalant since there was a lack of any exhalant data available. This has led PHILTER to become the de facto leader in exhalant research. John’s experience in material science applications, fluid mechanics and aerodynamics have been instrumental in developing technology and designing products that address the elimination of harmful air. As a result of John’s work and guidance, PHILTER has been granted 9 utility patents and several patents are pending. John has a BSME from the University of Wisconsin with an emphasis on Plastics Engineering & Design and is a graduate of the Naval Systems Engineering School.  

John is also a US Navy veteran and is in the Harvard Business Manager Mentor program.   
