Integrated Filtration

Universal design to eliminate harmful air as it is generated.

Significantly improve solutions where they exist

Addressing Major Markets

Smoking & Vaping

Integrates into vape and smoke devices

Different electronic cigarettes on light blue background, closeup
$ 0 B+
by 2030 (in US alone)

Industrial Welding & Soldering

Improve filtration & efficacy over current solutions

$ 0 B+
by 2030 (in US alone)

Electrosurgery Devices

Improve filtration & efficacy over current solutions

$ 0 B+
by 2030

Proven Commercial Application

The first exhale filtration system integrated into a smoking device. Eliminating secondhand smoke.

An escalating need for a solution

Cannabis use and nicotine vaping continue to grow.

45 %

Prefer consumption when there is no secondhand smoke.

23 %

Identify the home as the primary location for smoking and vaping.

21 %

Filter their secondhand smoke to protect family, friends, and pets.

47 %

Are concerned how secondhand smoke affects the environment.

Survey of smokers and vapers who filter their secondhand smoke
(7,000 respondents)