San Diego, CA


Groundbreaking PHILTER microfiltration technology captures and eliminates harmful airborne particulates in secondhand smoke at the source, before it becomes airborne. Compact, lightweight and highly efficient, PHILTER technology platforms address each of these sources (and more) with a variety of stand-alone and integrated air purification solutions.


It would be a healthier world if no one smoked or vaped, but that is highly unlikely to happen. Smoking and vaping are not going away. But we can reduce the human and environmental harm that is caused by smoking and vaping.

The dangers associated with nicotine secondhand smoke are well documented​.

  • Secondhand smoke is classified as a known carcinogen (EPA, Surgeon General and International Agency for Research on Cancer, NIH)
  • There is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke (CDC)
  • Cannabis secondhand smoke contains 4x the harmful particulate matter compared to nicotine?  (UC Berkeley)
  • 15 minutes after smoking cannabis, harmful airborne particulate matter was more than twice that of the EPA hazardous air quality threshold. (UC Berkeley)


PHILTER is focused on improving the quality of life by addressing several sources of harmful particulate matter, including secondhand smoke. The EPA notes that indoor air pollution can be greater than that outdoors. Additionally, secondhand smoke may be inhaled regardless of the environmental setting – with or without the presence of an HVAC system.

Characteristics of secondhand smoke that contains harmful airborne particulate matter:

  • Travels as far as 20 feet*
  • Lingers for up to 30 minutes*
  • Attaches to carpets, walls, draperies, furniture, and other surroundings where it continues to cause harm*
  • Contains toxins, carcinogens, and even viruses and bacteria

Sources: CDC, Mayo Clinic, MIT, Virginia Tech

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Lasers, electrocautery and ultrasound knives are commonly used and highly successful at improving patient outcomes undergoing a wide range of medical procedures. The resulting harmful surgical smoke is well documented but legislation to eliminate surgical smoke is recent. Currently 17 states have enacted laws to regulate surgical smoke, with enforcement rolling out over the next few years. Additional states have legislation pending.

  • Surgical smoke is carcinogenic, mutagenic (can cause DNA mutations) and contains toxins including benzene, formaldehyde, cellular materials including blood fragments, and viruses

  • Can be harmful to medical professionals, patients and any others in the procedure room

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Groundbreaking PHILTER microfiltration technology captures and eliminates harmful airborne particulates in secondhand smoke at the source, before it becomes airborne. Compact, lightweight and highly efficient, PHILTER technology platforms address each of the sources noted here (and more) with a variety of stand-alone and integrated air purification solutions.

SOLUTION - Philter Labs Technology